
Imec researchers at IDLab, Ghent University and Nokia Bell Labs work to debut key building block for the deployment of 100G PON networks

Imec researchers at IDLab, Ghent University and Nokia Bell Labs work to debut key building block for the deployment of 100G PON networks

Presenting world’s first upstream 100 Gbit/s PAM-4 linear burst-mode transimpedance amplifier (TIA) chip for the roll-out of next-generation flexible PONs

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Flemish government allocates 7 M€ funding for first 2 years of SolidLab Vlaanderen

Flemish government allocates 7 M€ funding for first 2 years of SolidLab Vlaanderen

Imec researchers at UGent, VUB en KULeuven will work together in SolidLab Vlaanderen and received funding from the Flemish government.

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Research on sleep apnea in IRCAI Top 100 as one of the excellent projects

Research on sleep apnea in IRCAI Top 100 as one of the excellent projects

Our research on sleep apnea has been listed in the IRCAI Top 100 as one of the excellent projects.

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Funding granted for imec.icon 5G BROADCAST

Funding granted for imec.icon 5G BROADCAST

The objective of 5G BROADCAST is to investigate the use of 5G terrestrial broadcasting in synergy with existing public broadband networks to deliver reliable video streams to the end-users, taking advantage of dedicated encoding and streaming protocols as well as software-defined networks in order to steer and optimize the complex interplay of peak demand and frequency usage in real time.

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Webinar 25/03: Hybrid Machine Learning for Smart Maintenance

Webinar 25/03: Hybrid Machine Learning for Smart Maintenance

In this webinar we elaborate upon the topic of hybrid machine learning for smart maintenance, from both an academic as from a practical point of view. Contributions from members from UGent-EELab, UGent-IDLab and Yazzoom.

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Webinar 22/02: Introduction of Healthcare robotics for healthcare professionals

The webinar is an introduction about robotics and it is adressed to healthcare profeccionals who are intrested in healthcare robotics.

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Testbed for the Experimental Evaluation of Wireless Industrial Safety Solutions

Testbed for the Experimental Evaluation of Wireless Industrial Safety Solutions

IDLab and Lopos (imec-Ghent University spin off) are involved in the TRINITY project by creating solutions to make typical industrial work environments a safer place for employees.

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InWareDrones project: Autonomous indoor drone for inventory management

InWareDrones project: Autonomous indoor drone for inventory management

The InWareDrones project developed a completely autonomous drone-based inventory management system.

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Ward Haeck wins ArcelorMittal master thesis award

Ward Haeck wins ArcelorMittal master thesis award

Master thesis student Ward Haeck received the ArcelorMittal 2020 award for his masterthesis on ‘Transfer learning and one-shot learning for surface inspection of flat steel.’

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Detecting sleep apnea using wearable and machine learning

Detecting sleep apnea using wearable and machine learning

In a collaboration with imec and ZOL, researchers from IDLab developed machine learning techniques for automatically detecting sleep apnea in bio-impedance data. Their research was recently highlighted on IEEE Spectrum.

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imec.icon information session

On 16 January 2020 The Beacon, together with imec – IDLab UAntwerpen, will host an information session for companies about the possibilities of participating in collaborative research projects through the imec.icon program.

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SaT5G Industry day

On November 27th, 2019 the SaT5G project held an industry day at the University of Surrey, UK.

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Steven Latré awarded by KVAB

Steven Latré awarded by KVAB

Steven Latré from IDLab Antwerp received an award from the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts (KVAB).

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New smart mobility project SARWS focuses on dangerous weather conditions

New smart mobility project SARWS focuses on dangerous weather conditions

A consortium of research and business partners, led by IDLab and Verhaert, launched a new project to improve road safety, called Secure and Accurate Road Weather Services (SARWS).

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New supercomputer boasts unparalleled computing power

New supercomputer boasts unparalleled computing power

The UAntwerp/imec investment in a new supercomputer opens up new avenues for researchers.

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IDLab team wins a 2nd award of 750,000 USD in Phase 2 of the DARPA Spectrum Collaboration Challenge

IDLab team wins a 2nd award of 750,000 USD in Phase 2 of the DARPA Spectrum Collaboration Challenge

For the second time in a row, team SCATTER with researchers from imec-IDLab and Rutgers University (US), have won a prize in the DARPA Spectrum Collaboration Challenge.

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IDLab deploys testbed for connected cars

IDLab deploys testbed for connected cars

IDLab will deploy a testbed for communication between connected cars on the E313 highway in Antwerp, as part of the Flemish Smart Highway and the European CONCORDA project. This technology will also assist the self-driving car of the future.

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IDLab team wins award in first Preliminary Round of DARPA Spectrum Collaboration Challenge

IDLab team wins award in first Preliminary Round of DARPA Spectrum Collaboration Challenge

The team from IDLab won an award on the first event of the DARPA’s Spectrum Collaboration Challenge (SC2).

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New spin-offs

New spin-offs

Two new start-ups were founded with the support of IDLab: BiFAST and ML2Grow.

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H2020 WiSHFUL Open Call for Experiments

H2020 WiSHFUL Open Call for Experiments

The WiSHFUL project, coordinated by Ingrid Moerman from imec/UGent/IDLab, hereby announces its fourth Open Call for Experiments, targeting advanced solutions for controlling wireless networks using the WiSHFUL software platform and unified programming interfaces (UPIs), and using the facilities and hardware supported by the WiSHFUL Consortium.

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imec contributes to Open Framework for Multilingual and Semantic Enrichment of Digital Content

imec contributes to Open Framework for Multilingual and Semantic Enrichment of Digital Content

After two years, FREME has just come to the end of its fruitful development road. The project – co-funded by the European Commission under the H2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation – has developed a commercial-grade open framework of e-Service for the multilingual and semantic enrichment of digital content.

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IDLab researchers winners in worldwide data science competition

IDLab researchers winners in worldwide data science competition

At IDLab, we are leveraging our data science expertise to transform how we diagnose heart diseases.

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IDLab wins ERC grant to develop disruptive wireless ‘ATTO cells’

IDLab wins ERC grant to develop disruptive wireless ‘ATTO cells’

Prof. Piet Demeester, received the prestigious European grant to develop disruptive wireless ‘ATTO cells’ that will be instrumental in creating intelligent swarms of robots.

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IDLab researcher co-founds Indigo Diabetes

IDLab researcher co-founds Indigo Diabetes

Indigo Diabetes, a spin-off from Ghent University and imec, develops a silicon-photonics needle-free glucose sensor to measure and manage blood glucose levels without the need for blood droplets or finger pricks.

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Google finances IDLab’s research on prediction of online virality

Google finances IDLab’s research on prediction of online virality

At IDLab, our experts are working on unique tactics to drastically improve the prediction of which content will go viral.

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